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Holy Traits Pattern (book excerpt)

Jan 22, 2020

 Book cover This blog post contains an excerpt from my book Hands-on Design Patterns and Best Practices with Julia, published by Packt Publishing in January 2020. This is my first book, and I have spent months of my weekend time to do the research and write about various patterns pioneered by other expert Julia programmers. I also feel honored to have Stefan Karpinski write forewords for the book.

If you like the content below, you can support me by buying the book (ISBN: 183864881X), telling your buddies about the book, or even just sending me a note via the official JuliaLang Slack. In addition, any constructive criticism are pleasantly welcomed. After all, life is a continuous learning process.

The Holy Traits pattern is one that I found most interesting with the Julia language as it fully leverages the multiple dispatch feature. Happy reading!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Exploring the personal asset management use case
  3. Implementing the Holy Traits pattern
  4. Defining the trait type
  5. Identifying traits
  6. Implementing trait behavior
  7. Using traits with a different type of hierarchy
  8. Reviewing some common usages
    1. Example 1: Base IteratorSize
    2. Example 2: AbstractPlotting ConversionTrait
  9. Using the SimpleTraits.jl package


The holy traits pattern has an interesting name. Some people also call it the Tim Holy Traits Trick (THTT). The pattern is named after Tim Holy, who is a long-time contributor to the Julia language and ecosystem.

What are traits? In a nutshell, a trait corresponds to the behavior of an object. For example, birds and butterflies can fly, so they both have the CanFly trait. Dolphins and turtles can swim, so they both have the CanSwim trait. A duck can fly and swim, so it has both the CanFly and CanSwim traits. Traits are typically binary – you either exhibit the trait or not – although that is not strictly necessary.

Why do we want traits? Traits can be used as a formal contract about how a data type can be used. For example, if an object has the CanFly trait, then we would be quite confident that the object has some kind of fly method defined. Likewise, if an object has the CanSwim trait, then we can probably call some kind of swim function.

Let's get back to programming. The Julia language doesn't have any built-in support for traits. However, the language is versatile enough for developers to use traits with the help of the multiple dispatch system. In this section, we will look into how this can be done with the special technique known as holy traits.

Exploring the personal asset management use case

When designing reusable software, we often create abstractions as data types and associate behaviors with them. One way to model behaviors is to leverage a type hierarchy. Following the Liskov Substitution Principle, we should be able to substitute a type with a subtype when a function is called.

Let's take a look at the type hierarchy for managing personal assets.

 Personal Asset Type Hierarchy

We can define a function called value for determining the value of any asset. Such a function can be applied to all the types in the Asset hierarchy if we assume that all the asset types have some kind of monetary value attached to them. Following that line of thought, we can say that almost every asset exhibits the HasValue trait.

Sometimes, behaviors can only be applied to certain types in the hierarchy. For example, what if we want to define a trade function that only works with liquid investments? In that case, we would define trade functions for Investment and Cash but not for House and Apartments.

A liquid investment refers to a security instrument that can be traded easily in the open market. The investor can quickly convert a liquid instrument into cash and vice versa. In general, most investors would like a portion of their investment to be liquid in the case of an emergency. Investments that are not liquid are called illiquid.

Programmatically, how do we know which asset types are liquid? One way is to check the type of the object against a list of types that represent liquid investments. Suppose that we have an array of assets and need to find out which one can be traded quickly for cash. In this situation, the code may look something like this:

function show_tradable_assets(assets::Vector{Asset})
    for asset in assets
        if asset isa Investment || asset isa Cash
            println("Yes, I can trade ", asset)
            println("Sorry, ", asset, " is not tradable")

The if-condition in the preceding code is a bit ugly, even in this toy example. If we have more types in the condition, then it gets worse. Of course, we can create a union type to make it a little better:

const LiquidInvestments = Union{Investment, Cash}

function show_tradable_assets(assets::Vector{Asset})
    for asset in assets
        if asset isa LiquidInvestments
            println("Yes, I can trade ", asset)
            println("Sorry, ", asset, " is not tradable")

There are still a few issues with this approach:

  1. The union type has to be updated whenever we add a new liquid asset type. This kind of maintenance is bad from a design perspective because the programmer must remember to update this union type whenever a new type is added to the system.

  2. This union type is not available for extension. If other developers want to reuse our trading library, then they may want to add new asset types. However, they cannot change our definition of the union type because they do not own the source code.

  3. The if-then-else logic may be repeated in many places in our source, whenever we need to do things differently for liquid and illiquid assets.

These problems can be solved using the holy traits pattern.

Implementing the Holy Traits pattern

To illustrate the concept of this pattern, we will start looking into the following personal asset data types:

abstract type Asset end

abstract type Property <: Asset end
abstract type Investment <: Asset end
abstract type Cash <: Asset end

abstract type House <: Property end
abstract type Apartment <: Property end

abstract type FixedIncome <: Investment end
abstract type Equity <: Investment end

The Asset type is at the top of the hierarchy and has the Property, Investment, and Cash subtypes. At the next level, House and Apartment are subtypes of Property, while FixedIncome and Equity are subtypes of Investment.

Now, let's define some concrete types:

struct Residence <: House

struct Stock <: Equity

struct TreasuryBill <: FixedIncome

struct Money <: Cash

What do we have here? Let's take a look at these data types in more details:

Note that we have not annotated the types for the fields because they aren't important for illustrating the trait concept here.

Defining the trait type

When it comes to investments, we can distinguish between ones that can be sold for cash easily in the open market and ones that take considerably more effort and time to convert into cash. Things that can easily be converted into cash within several days are known as being liquid, while the hard-to-sell ones are known as being illiquid. For example, stocks are liquid while a residence is not.

The first thing we want to do is define the traits themselves:

abstract type LiquidityStyle end
struct IsLiquid <: LiquidityStyle end
struct IsIlliquid <: LiquidityStyle end

Traits are nothing but regular data types in Julia! The overall concept of the LiquidityStyle trait is just an abstract type. The specific traits, IsLiquid and IsIlliquid, are coded as concrete types without any fields.

Identifying traits

The next step is to assign data types to these traits. Conveniently, Julia allows us to bulk-assign traits to an entire subtype tree using the <: operator in the function signature:

# Default behavior is illiquid
LiquidityStyle(::Type) = IsIlliquid()

# Cash is always liquid
LiquidityStyle(::Type{<:Cash}) = IsLiquid()

# Any subtype of Investment is liquid
LiquidityStyle(::Type{<:Investment}) = IsLiquid()

There is no standard naming convention for traits, but my research seems to indicate that package authors tend to use either "Style" or "Trait" as the suffix for trait types.

Let's take a look at how we can interpret these three lines of code:

Implementing trait behavior

Now that we can tell which types are liquid and which are not, we can define methods that take objects with those traits. First, let's do something really simple:

# The thing is tradable if it is liquid
tradable(x::T) where {T} = tradable(LiquidityStyle(T), x)
tradable(::IsLiquid, x) = true
tradable(::IsIlliquid, x) = false

In Julia, types are first-class citizens. The tradable(x::T) where {T} signature captures the type of argument as T. Since we have already defined the LiquidityStyle function, we can derive whether the passed argument exhibits the IsLiquid or IsIlliquid trait. So, the first tradable method simply takes the return value of LiquidityStyle(T) and passes it as the first argument for the other two tradable methods. This simple example demonstrates the dispatch effect.

You might be wondering why we don't take ::Type{<: Asset} as an argument for the default trait function. Doing so makes it more restrictive as the default value would only be available for types that are defined under the Asset type hierarchy. This may or may not be desirable, depending on how the trait is used. Either way should be fine.

Now, let's look at a more interesting function that exploits the same trait. Since liquid assets are easily tradable in the market, we should be able to discover their market price quickly as well. For stocks, we may call a pricing service from the stock exchange. For cash, the market price is just the currency amount. Let's see how this is coded:

# The thing has a market price if it is liquid

marketprice(x::T) where {T} = marketprice(LiquidityStyle(T), x)

marketprice(::IsLiquid, x) =
    error("Please implement pricing function for", typeof(x))

marketprice(::IsIlliquid, x) =
    error("Price for illiquid asset $x is not available.")

The code's structure is the same as the tradable function. One method is used to determine the trait, while the other two methods implement different behaviors for the liquid and illiquid instruments. Here, both marketprice functions just raise an exception by calling the error function. Of course, that's not what we really want. What we should really have is a specific pricing function for the Stock and Money types. OK, let's do just that:

# Sample pricing functions for Money and Stock
marketprice(x::Money) = x.amount
marketprice(x::Stock) = rand(200:250)

Here, the marketprice method for the Money type just returns the amount. This is quite a simplification since, in practice, we may calculate the amount in the local currency (for example, US Dollars) from the currency and amount. As for Stock, we just return a random number for the purpose of testing. In reality, we would have attached this function to a stock pricing service.

For illustration purposes, we have developed the following test functions:

function trait_test_cash()
    cash = Money("USD", 100.00)
    @show tradable(cash)
    @show marketprice(cash)

function trait_test_stock()
    aapl = Stock("AAPL", "Apple, Inc.")
    @show tradable(aapl)
    @show marketprice(aapl)

function trait_test_residence()
        home = Residence("Los Angeles")
        @show tradable(home) # returns false
        @show marketprice(home) # exception is raised
    catch ex
    return true

function trait_test_bond()
        bill = TreasuryBill("123456789")
        @show tradable(bill)
        @show marketprice(bill) # exception is raised
    catch ex
    return true

Here's the result from the Julia REPL:

 Test Results

Perfect! The tradable function has correctly identified that cash, stock, and bond are liquid and that residence is illiquid. For cash and stocks, the marketprice function was able to return a value, as expected. Because residence is not liquid, an error was raised. Finally, while treasury bills are liquid, an error was raised because the marketprice function has not yet been defined for the instrument.

Using traits with a different type of hierarchy

The best part of the holy trait pattern is that we can use it with any object, even when its type belongs to a different type hierarchy. Let's explore the case of literature, where we may define its own type hierarchy as follows:

abstract type Literature end

struct Book <: Literature

Now, we can make it obey the LiquidityStyle trait, as follows:

# assign trait
LiquidityStyle(::Type{Book}) = IsLiquid()

# sample pricing function
marketprice(b::Book) = 10.0

Now, we can trade books, just like other tradable assets.

Reviewing some common usages

The holy traits pattern is commonly used in open source packages. Let's take a look at some examples.

Example 1: Base IteratorSize

The Julia Base library uses traits quite extensively. An example of such a trait is Base.IteratorSize. Its definition can be found from the file generator.jl:

abstract type IteratorSize end
struct SizeUnknown <: IteratorSize end
struct HasLength <: IteratorSize end
struct HasShape{N} <: IteratorSize end
struct IsInfinite <: IteratorSize end

This trait is slightly different from what we have learned about so far because it is not binary. The IteratorSize trait can be SizeUnknown, HasLength, HasShape{N}, or IsInfinite. The IteratorSize function is defined as follows:

    IteratorSize(itertype::Type) -> IteratorSize
IteratorSize(x) = IteratorSize(typeof(x))
IteratorSize(::Type) = HasLength() # HasLength is the default
IteratorSize(::Type{<:AbstractArray{<:Any,N}}) where {N} = HasShape{N}()
IteratorSize(::Type{Generator{I,F}}) where {I,F} = IteratorSize(I)
IteratorSize(::Type{Any}) = SizeUnknown()

Let's focus on the IsInfinite trait since it looks quite interesting. A few functions have been defined in Base.Iterators that generate infinite sequences. For example, the Iterators.repeated function can be used to generate the same value forever, and we can use the Iterators.take function to pick up the values from the sequence. Let's see how this works:

 Iterators.repeated function

If you look at the source code, you'll see that Repeated is the type of the iterator and that it is assigned the IteratorSize trait with IsInfinite:

IteratorSize(::Type{<:Repeated}) = IsInfinite()

We can quickly test it out like so:

 Iterators.repeated function

It is infinite just as we expected! But how is this trait utilized? To find out how, we can look into the BitArray from the Base library, which is a space-efficient boolean array implementation. Its constructor function can take any iterable object, such as an array:

 BitArray Constructor

Perhaps it isn't hard to understand that the constructor can't really work with something that is infinite in nature! Therefore, the implementation of the BitArray constructor has to take that into account. Because we can dispatch based upon the IteratorSize trait, the constructor of BitArray happily throws an exception when such an iterator is passed:

BitArray(itr) = gen_bitarray(IteratorSize(itr), itr)

gen_bitarray(::IsInfinite, itr) =
    throw(ArgumentError("infinite-size iterable used in BitArray constructor"))

To see it in action, we can call the BitArray constructor with the Repeated iterator, like so:

 BitArray repeated

Example 2: AbstractPlotting ConversionTrait

AbstractPlotting.jl is an abstract plotting library that is part of the Makie plotting system. Let's take a look at a trait that's related to data conversion:

abstract type ConversionTrait end

struct NoConversion <: ConversionTrait end
struct PointBased <: ConversionTrait end
struct SurfaceLike <: ConversionTrait end

# By default, there is no conversion trait for any object
conversion_trait(::Type) = NoConversion()
conversion_trait(::Type{<: XYBased}) = PointBased()
conversion_trait(::Type{<: Union{Surface, Heatmap, Image}}) = SurfaceLike()

It defines a ConversionTrait that can be used for the convert_arguments function. As it stands, the conversion logic can be applied to three different scenarios:

  1. No conversion. This is handled by the default trait type of NoConversion.

  2. PointBased conversion.

  3. SurfaceLike conversion.

By default, the convert_arguments function just returns the arguments untouched when conversion is not required:

# Do not convert anything if there is no conversion trait
convert_arguments(::NoConversion, args...) = args

Then, various convert_arguments functions are defined. Here is the function for 2D plotting:

    convert_arguments(P, x, y)::(Vector)

Takes vectors `x` and `y` and turns it into a vector of 2D points of
the values from `x` and `y`. `P` is the plot Type (it is optional).
convert_arguments(::PointBased, x::RealVector, y::RealVector) = (Point2f0.(x, y),)

Using the SimpleTraits.jl package

The SimpleTraits.jl package may be used to make programming traits a little easier. Let's try to redo the LiquidityStyle example using SimpleTraits. First, define a trait called IsLiquid, as follows:

@traitdef IsLiquid{T}

The syntax may look a little awkward since the T seems to be doing nothing, but it's actually required. The next thing is to assign types to this trait:

@traitimpl IsLiquid{Cash}
@traitimpl IsLiquid{Investment}

Then, a special syntax with four colons can be used to define functions that take objects exhibiting the trait:

@traitfn marketprice(x::::IsLiquid) =
    error("Please implement pricing function for ", typeof(x))

@traitfn marketprice(x::::(!IsLiquid)) =
    error("Price for illiquid asset $x is not available.")

The positive case has the argument annotated with x::::IsLiquid, while the negative case has the argument annotated with x::::(!IsLiquid). Note that the parentheses is required so that it can be parsed correctly. Now, we can test it:


As expected, both default implementations throw an error. Now, we can implement the pricing function for Stock and quickly test again:


Looks great! As we can see, the SimpleTrait.jl package simplifies the process of creating traits.

In summary, using traits can make your code more extendable. We must keep in mind, however, that it takes some effort to design proper traits. Documentation is also important so that anyone who wants to extend the code can understand how to utilize the predefined traits.

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